Happy Mother’s Day

Love you Mom.

The blogger

To know more about the day plz click here: Wikipedia

Thank you.

Love your mom & help her in this lockdown. She is really working hard for us , she worked hard and will be working hard for the best future and happiness for us. Love all the mothers. And wish you to be happy all the rest of the life.

Tribute to Mom.

If you want to share your memories with us in this site. Plz upload your memories with your mom in this link:Google photos

Here we have made a mother’s day album to keep all the memories with our mother alive. So, help us to make such immortal memories come vivid.

Thank you.

Gallery for Recollection with our Mom.

Guys still don’t for get to stay home. Remember # behind the window is our safety. So, be safe with your family and mom. Love and help her. “We shall overcome some day. So, don’t lose hope. Be safe and healthy.

GD luck.

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